
Featured Dish: Panko crumbed poached eggs, Goldilocks

7/17/2012 01:43:00 PM

Hello hello! Welcome to a new segment here on my blog: the Featured Dish. Basically, these are going to be short, sharp posts highlighting a truly excellent dish that I've enjoyed and want to share with you all. Cheap, expensive, savoury, sweet, whatever - the only criteria I'm setting for myself are that it needs to be something available for purchase (i.e. not something home cooked), and that I need to absolutely love it.

So, without further ado... here is my first featured dish!

Panko crumbed poached eggs with shaved asparagus and miso puree, $13.90, Goldilocks Cafe

I saw this dish on Twitter one afternoon, thought it looked amazing, and swiftly arranged to have brunch at Goldilocks the next day.

There's a fantastic balance of textures and flavours on the plate: two perfectly poached, soft eggs are coated in a thin layer of panko crumbs and deep fried, to make a great crispy, edible shell. (Shell, hah! Get it?) Eggs, of course, love salt, which is provided by a smear of miso purée, as well as a light sprinkling of sea salt. Finally, the salad of thinly shaved raw asparagus adds a lovely lightness to the fried eggs and intense savoriness of the miso.

Mmm... gooey eggs

I thought it was a delicious, creative, and well-executed meal, which made a fabulous light lunch.

Goldilocks Cafe
Stanley Place (rear of Firechief)
Hawthorn East VIC 3123
Ph: (03) 9831-1799

Goldilocks on Urbanspoon

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  1. Oh yum, I can see the appeal!

    This is a really nice idea for a blog series - I'll look forward to the next instalment.

  2. Hooray for new segments!

    The eggs look delicious - reminds me of the dish I had at the Lake House actually:

    Now I want to go back :)

  3. Ahh what would we do without Twitter haha. That egg shot is amazeballs!

  4. The panko crumbed on these eggs look amazing!!

  5. I am all for new segments! especially if they involve amazing egg porn like this!

  6. I've always wondered how they do this dish while keeping the inside lovely and runny! Love the textural contrast :D

  7. Cindy - Thank-you! I have a few fab meals lined up that I'm dying to share with everyone!

    Sophie - Thank-you! Aah, lucky lucky, The Lake House!

    Nic - I know, right? That's how I found out about most new things these days, lol.

    Catty - So thin and crispy, I wonder how they got it so perfect!

    Michele - Egg porn is the best, hehe.

    Lorraine - I'm curious too - maybe they just deep fry it very quickly, like deep-fried ice-cream, so the heat doesn't have time to penetrate the egg and cook it further??

    xox Sarah



My email address is sarahcooks [at] hotmail [dot] com.