Christmas 2008: BBQ

1/03/2009 09:10:00 PM

This is the last Christmas post for 2008, I promise. Should be. I think.

Pflaumenkuchen - Yeasted base, covered in slices of fresh plums. Superfresh, plucked from Su's tree!

We had a post-Christmas BBQ at mine on the Saturday 27th December. I'd been meaning to have one beforehand, but the weather had been a bit crap, and it was a bit difficult to get everyone together in the weeks leading up to Christmas. Luckily, loads of our friends were free on the Saturday after Christmas, everyone rocked up who said they would, and we had a great time. :D

Christmas BBQ for 15-20

Beef Chipolatas
Bourbon Chicken Wings
Minute Steaks
Leftover Ham

German Potato Salad
Green Salad
Turkey Vietnamese Coleslaw

Pflaumenkuchen (Plum Cake) with Cool Whip
Christmas Puddini Bonbons


So, as you can see from our "menu", we did some easy meat ($2.50 a kilo for chicken wings!), some nice salads, and a couple of special desserts and other Christmas leftovers. We had everything prepared by 12:30pm, people started rocking up around 1, and we fired up the BBQ at 2-ish.

The coleslaw was Nigella's Vietnamese chicken coleslaw, with leftover turkey, whilst the potato salad was Frau Margit's a-mazing bacon-filled kartoffelsalat.

The chicken wings were marinated overnight like the bourbon-glazed ribs in Nigella Christmas - in a mixture of Wild Turkey, mustard, soy sauce and dark muscovado sugar. We roasted them in the oven, rather than BBQ'ing them, because BBQ'ing chicken wings is a lengthy, frustrating pain in the backside. In the ribs recipe, Nigella suggests boiling down the marinade to make a BBQ sauce, but I wasn't too keen on making a sauce out of a marinade that had had raw chicken sitting in it. I boiled it down and made a sticky glaze to brush on the chicken wings before roasting.

After eating, we seemed to migrate down to the garden, so I made an impromptu little picnic-thang...

Christmas puddini bonbons; a Pflaumenkuchen, made with plums from Su's tree - such a wonderfully romantic idea - with some cool wHip, (if Stewie likes it, it can't be that bad); and an amazing stollen.

CUTE! Christmas Puddini Bonbons. From Nigella Christmas, by way of The Australian Women's Weekly. Ok, I've just decided I have to do another post on these, because they're just too yummy and cute!

Duncan brought this amazing Stollen he baked (he even made his own marzipan!) - it was soooo delicious! I was eating slices of it for breakfast all week. Mmm...

Phew! What a great day. We were totally knackered after all that Christmas cooking though; I can definitely see lots of simpler, lighter meals for the new year!

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  1. So where did you get the cool whip?

  2. Ah, the cool wHip was just Safeway brand lite cream in a can. Normally I'd whip cream myself but I was being too lazy, and I have fond memories canned whip cream from Germany, hehe.

    xox Sarah

  3. Anonymous8:35 PM

    I don't think you captured quite how SCRUMMYWUMPTIOUS those puddini were!

  4. Ah. I was getting excited, thinking maybe someone found some proper imported cool wHip somewhere. Then I could get me some and use it as a prop in my loungeroom Family Guy skits. Good times.

  5. Happy New Year Sarah! Your Christmas pics look great and I am impressed at the vast range of food you made. I was a bad blogger over Christmas and cooked loads but took almost no photos so I'll just be glossing over the entire period and moving straight onto 2009! I made Nigella's cranberry sauce and it all went in the bin as it was horribly sweet, have you ever made it?

    Gemma x

  6. It was a great BBQ Sarah, thanks for the invite. I loved the food, especially the Bourbon chicken wings.



My email address is sarahcooks [at] hotmail [dot] com.