
Lunch: BLT

11/05/2008 09:08:00 PM

I only have half an hour for lunch breaks, so I like to bring my own lunch with me. On those days that I forget to bring it, I usually end up inhaling a dodgy pide and chips, a focaccia, or bain-marie Chinese takeaway at a nearby food court, before hot footing it back to my desk. This is fine, occasionally, but it does get expensive and unhealthy. So, most weeks, I make up a little sandwich kit. It's inspired by a BLT I bought at 7-11 once, but cheaper and nicer.

What I'll do is prepare the ingredients on a Sunday evening, and leave them packed away carefully in my fridge/freezer. Then each evening or morning before work I'll assemble my sandwich. That way, *Marge Simpson Voice* the lettuce stays moist and the bread stays dry! Right kids?

Crispy bacon, sliced tomato, washed and dried lettuce in crisper container, Thomy mayonnaise, Helga's wholemeal grain bread. It's not in the picture, but I usually have pre-sliced tasty cheese as well. The bacon is my favourite sandwich filling right now, but I sometimes substitute ham or whatever meat I feel like, keeping the salad ingredients the same.

I keep the bread in the freezer, and make the sandwiches with un-defrosted bread. I can never get through a whole loaf of bread before the "Use By" date, and as a bonus, using frozen bread tends to keep the filling colder. This is good for me, seeing as I'm usually running too late to work to get my sandwich to the fridge before I start. It defrosts by lunch-time. We have a sandwich press in the staff room, which is great when I want my sandwich toasted.

Ta-dah! It's cheaper than a sandwich from a shop, and bringing my own gives me more time to sit and be laaazy on my lunch break. Hurrah!

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  1. A soggy sandwich is definitely no good. I try to put the cheese and meats on the outside as a buffer to the wet ingredients so the sandwich remains nice and dry.

    I just made a sandwich now for work tomorrow. I love my combo of wholemeal bread, salami, cheese, capsicum, pickles, anchovies and pepper. Mmmm, mmmm.

  2. I have also discovered wonderful world of sandwiches and packed lunches.
    It's especially handy when snowstorm is outside but food would be still nice :).

    I usually make sandwiches in the morning and these ingredients which will make sandwich soggy, like pickles, tomatoes, I take these with me in a box and put between sandwiches when I’m having lunch.

    You have very nice and interesting blog.

  3. Jessie from Melbourne3:07 PM

    Hi, just discovered your blog, LOVE it! Silly question, but once you cook your bacon on a Sunday, how many days is it good for in the fridge? Or do you cook fresh bacon every night? Thanks so much, love your idea of the un defrosted bread :)

  4. Hey Jessie,

    When I do BLT's I usually cook all the bacon on the Sunday - but I only cook enough for 3 days, as I think it'd get a bit repetitive having the same lunch all week. So far it's always been fine for the 3 days, not sure how much longer you could go. :)

    xox Sarah

  5. Jessie from Melbourne8:02 PM

    Thanks for your quick reply Sarah! I know what you mean, 3 days is enough of the one meal. Tomorrow after work I'm copying you, mayo and Thanks again x



My email address is sarahcooks [at] hotmail [dot] com.