
Australia Day Party

1/27/2012 12:00:00 AM

Hey hey! A picture-heavy post today, on the fab Australia Day party we had today!  Even though there was heaps of food, somehow it wasn't stressful, and all fell together pretty easily.  In addition to the menu below, lots of our friends generously contributed salads and extra desserts.  Yay!  I plan to blog the individual dishes in more detail in due course, but for today let's look at some pretty pictures!

An Australia Day Feast for 11

Roast Pork Belly
Thai Chicken Burgers
Lettuce, Tomatoes, Avocado, Cucumber, Red Onion


 The Table

The Burgers: Beef Frikadellen, Thai Chicken Burgers, Sweetcorn Fritters

The condiments: Guacamole (made by my cousin Catherine), Red Onion, Cucumber, Avocado Slices, Tomato

The Salads: Watermelon & Feta (brought by Alaina)
Cupcakes (they count as salads, yes?) and Asian Salad (brought by Adrian)
Mixed Veggie Salad (brought by Kristine) 

Parker House Rolls


The pork belly was incredibly crackly - amazing!  It's the recipe from The Ottolenghi Cookbook if you want to try it out.

Cute burger!

And because I know you guys love it... more CRACKLING!

The Desserts
Lamingtons (brought by Alae)
Cupcakes by Paolo (brought by Adrian)

I used a Donna Hay recipe for the pavlova and was so pleased with the result.  I know I've bagged Donna's super-stylised style before, but her recipes for the basics are really great!

Phew! That was a lot of food!  Happy Australia Day!!!

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  1. What an awesome idea for a party. I love the DIY burger station and hellooooo crackling!

    1. Thanks Helen! I'm always in awe of how much crackling my friends can put away! I wonder if I should just cut out the meat and make a big sheet of crackling, lol.

  2. Awesome spread Sarah!
    I am SO doing the description cards thing next time I have a buffet! Great idea!

    1. Thanks Anna! It did feel a bit "50s housewife" to write out placecards, but it made everything so much easier!

  3. Love the setup and the little cards describing the food!

    I'm so jealous of your pork crackling! My Australia Day pork belly was a fail. Very tender meat, but I couldn't get the crackling crispy. Must check out the recipe you used. Or better yet, eat yours!

    1. Thanks April! Oh that's a shame about the crackling- maybe it wasn't dry enough before going in the oven??

  4. gosh, even though I was ill as hell- I still had seconds of that amazin Pavalova baby! Super partay as usual.

    1. Thanks so much! You seemed pretty wrecked that day but I'm so happy you managed to come and eat a bit! :) such a trooper!



My email address is sarahcooks [at] hotmail [dot] com.