
Christmas is coming...!

12/13/2010 09:42:00 PM

The tree is up...

The Christmas cake has been baked...

The Adventkranz is out...

The pudding has been delivered...

The first batch of Vanillekipferl has been made (and devoured!)...

...Christmas is coming!

I'm very excited about Christmas this year, and have lots of foodie plans for the next few weeks.  I'm so proud of our Christmas tree, a real mini-Tannenbaum from Bunnings - cute, huh?  The Christmas cake I've chosen this year is Nigella's classic Christmas cake, and the pudding is the one we made at The Langham's Pudding Making Class earlier this year.  Big thanks to Tina from Media Moguls for delivering it personally!  Can't wait to try it.  I love Christmas pudding.  I'll be doing a proper detailed post about the Christmas cake and Vanillekipferl soon!

I've got a couple of weeks off work for some proper relaxation time - so excited!  So apart from all the cooking, I'm just gonna relax at home and spend time with my friends and family.  What does everyone have planned for the holiday season?

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  1. YOu are so organise. I am so struggling to get even one thing done!

  2. Tree looks beautiful Sarah :D



My email address is sarahcooks [at] hotmail [dot] com.